With the 1:5 AeroVan model, Rolfhartge presents the result of a study conducted in cooperation with the HTW Saarland university and thus, a multi-purpose van already feasible today reaching optimium values concerning a minimum drag, tare weight and fuel consumption by lightweight construction and an exceptional shape. In its latest version, the study reveals a stunning result: The Rolfhartge future van reaches a significantly lower cw value than the Mercedes-Benz EQS, the aerodynamics world champion, namely a value of 0,17 as compared to the Mercedes-Benz value of 0,20. The exceptional vehicle benefits from the expert knowledge of Rolfhartge obtained during more than 40 years of experience in the automotive industry.
The exceptional shape of the AeroVan is inspired by the construction of aircrafts. The chassis will be a semi-monocoque combined with a textile-covered rib structure. The fabric of this new material will change color, from dark to light, as the light around the automobile gets brighter. In doing so, it reflects the incoming solar energy. In the darker months, the dark color absorbs any existing heat. Furthermore, the textile also incorporates photovoltaic cells, which gain energy that can then be used to operate the car. Another remarkable feature is the fact that the three-wheel version of the AeroVan can virtually turn on the spot. The seats will be removable and adaptable and the lightweight construction will also extend to the interior of the vehicle. The design is sporty and modern, whilst at the same time being minimalistic. This lightness and a return to the essentials thus become an attitude to life, which is reflected in the design language of the AeroVan, while at the same time not making any compromises towards comfort. In the interior, the van will be able to offer everything needed in an office or living room leting the borders between being at home and being en route blur.